Re: Building The Green Machine - Episode One


(ROSEMONT, Ill.) - The Cavaliers Drum & Bugle Corps is excited to announce the release of the first episode of the new docu-series, Re:Building The Green Machine. This episode is entitled Re:Setting The Cavaliers.

The episode touches on the cancelled 2020 season as well as changing perspectives and ideas heading into the 2021 season. Future episodes will document the 2021 season and show, LIVE! From The Rose! The series will also follow a cast of current members and staff, catching their reactions and experiences over the course of the season.

A new episode will be posted on YouTube every Monday until the end of the 2021 season.


The Cavaliers were founded in 1948 from Boy Scout Troop 111 by the late Don Warren. One of the most successful drum and bugle corps in history, The Cavaliers have won 20 national championships, including seven Drum Corps International world championships, since 1992.

The Cavaliers provide a variety of life-changing educational and performance programs for young people that go beyond music and performing arts to build personal accountability, excellence, teamwork and camaraderie. Programs include GearWORKS, Cavaliers Indoor Percussion, Chromium Winds, Crystal Lake Thunder and Midwest Connection.

A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, The Cavaliers Arts, Performance & Education, Inc. is sponsored by the Village of Rosemont, Ill.