Lindsey Vento

Lindsey Vento is proud to serve the pageantry arts in various capacities, where she has served as an instructor, program designer, adjudicator, choreographer, and educational consultant. She has led and coordinated the designs for numerous programs within DCI, WGI, and BOA.

Over the last 26 years, Lindsey has worked with Carolina Crown and The Academy Drum and Bugle Corps, has proudly served as a broadcaster and commentator for DCI and FloMarching, has been the Education Director and on the Executive Board for the Mid-Continent Color Guard Association, and an educational consultant and clinician for Conn-Selmer. She currently is designing, coordinating, and consulting with over 20 high school marching programs.

She has her Bachelors of Music Education degree, emphasis in vocal music, was an active dance instructor and adjudicator, and performed professionally with the Lyric Opera of Kansas City before she decided to focus all of her efforts into the pageantry arts. Her PROUDEST accomplishment is being mom to her three boys, who all share in the family passion of the pageantry arts. She resides in Kansas City, MO, and loudly and proudly cheers for the Kansas City Chiefs with her husband, Steve.