King Cobras Winter Registration Now Open
The King Cobras, CAPE’s all-ability drumline, is now accepting registrations for the upcoming winter season. Rehearsals take place on Tuesdays in Warrenville, Illinois, from 6pm - 7pm, January 31st to March 7th.
The King Cobras Drumline offers a high energy music experience while teaching new skills, and allowing students to make many new friends. Students learn social skills, motor skills, attention to task skills, and more.
King Cobras performances are fun, interactive shows for both the students involved and the audience. Recently, our group visited Morton College for a guest appearance with their Skills for Daily Living Program. Program coordinator Mary Jo Buongiorno followed up after the event with the following note:
“The Skills for Daily Living Program at Morton College has welcomed the King Cobra Drumline to our campus on two occasions.
Each time, our instructors have marveled at the enthusiasm and energy our students put forth when the music starts. Almost instantly, we could see the troubles of the day for some students disappear as smiles replaced frowns. By watching and following the instructor cues, students are learning a new skill while reinforcing on task behavior, developing self confidence, and enhancing fine and gross motor skill development. All of this plus the added benefit of the joy of music with friends.
Each time the session was over, students were asking when we could do it again.
We look forward to our next King Cobra experience here at Morton College, and we hope to be able to offer many more opportunities to our students and other students with special needs in our community in the coming years. If you are considering setting up a King Cobra Program in your area, I highly recommend you do so. You will not be disappointed.”

Where can I see the King Cobras?
Join us on Saturday, December 17th at the Caroling with Kings event in Elburn, IL from 11am - 3pm! This is a free holiday market with entertainment by the King Cobras, featuring members of The Cavaliers Alumni Association. We will be hosting a canned food and coat drive to support those in need during this holiday season, so feel free to bring your donations.
Click Here to learn more about the King Cobras and to learn how to support!