2024 Honorary Cavalier

Dr. Alan Micco has been a fantastic resource and support to the Cavaliers Medical Group, to the CAPE Board of Directors, and most importantly to the members of The Cavaliers. Alan’s son Alex began participating in The Cavaliers in 2015. Since then Alan has been a consistent helper, bringing both his medical expertise and his love for The Cavaliers to bear in order to help the members reach their highest potential. Alan enjoys the rigors of the challenging tour season. He has toured with the corps for at least 10 days each summer, often on the very hot “Texas swamp” week. He helps with winter camps when able and is a valuable member of the Cavalier Medical team. He also serves on the Board of Directors of CAPE on various subcommittees. Dr. Micco represents the highest ideal of a Cavalier – giving freely of his time and talent as a volunteer, in order to maximize the Cavaliers’ member experience.

Those who nominated him said “His devotion to the activity goes beyond having a son march or a desire to share his skills and talents with the Cavaliers. He has been instrumental in the ongoing activities of the Cavalier Medical Group and expanding our role in the Greater DCI Marching Arts Safety and Health Group.” It was also stated that “In just the realm of medicine and the time he has volunteered his nomination as an Honorary Cavalier would be enough but he has been a valued go-between with staff and his work with protocols, best practices development, and additional work with Management and Board Members is far and away above what most folks volunteering time on tour are giving of themselves.”

We are thrilled to award Dr. Alan Micco with the designation of Honorary Cavalier.