your support keeps us healthy and safe!

During the month of February, we’re running a campaign to support the most important thing we do: keeping our members healthy and safe during our summer tour. Our professional physical and mental health resources and best-in-class nutritional program have changed how drum corps members are taken care of across the activity. And this year, we’re redefining the standard once again. With your help, we can provide our members the best care available!

Take a look at our Health and Wellness Newsletter Updates Here!

Health and Medical Program

The Cavaliers Medical Group consists of doctors, physicians, nurses, athletic trainers, EMTs, and medical students who keep us healthy on the road. We proudly provide CPR training, professional foot evaluations and custom insoles, fitness assessments, and more to Cavaliers members. While this is more than other groups offer, we know that member safety is the most important thing that we do.

Nutrition and Wellness

By using the best drink mixes available, ensuring daily availability of ice for injuries and medical cooling stations, and professional nutritional counseling in planning our summer culinary program, The Cavaliers are committed to top of the line nutritional excellence. We’re already planning our summer menu, with more options than ever before for our members’ evolving dietary restrictions.

Equipment Maintenance

Member wellness is made possible by the fleet of vehicles The Cavaliers use for our summer tour. Our newly wrapped kitchen trailer (shown above) is undergoing essential maintenance and repair for 2025, improving the conditions for our nutritional staff and volunteers during the summer. This vehicle allows us to provide four balanced and healthy meals per day, fueling the Green Machine!

Your Support Makes A Difference!

$50: One day’s worth of ice
One day of milk and bread
One AED battery
One season’s worth of over-the-counter medication
CPR training for 10 members + 25 pairs of orthotics

Please consider giving to our Health and Wellness Initiative today!