Nominated By:
Mark Ackerson

Nomination Letter:
It is with great pleasure that I nominate Ms Jennifer Parent for the 2020 Honorary Cavalier Award. In addition to performing her job at an exemplary level, Jennifer demonstrates an extraordinary commitment to The Cavaliers and to the drum corps activity.

Jennifer has served on the Tour Management Team 2000 - 2019, taking a brief hiatus 2014-2018. She returned in 2019 as Staff Coordinator and Dr Vaughn’s assistant. In her roles, Jennifer provided exceptional support to Members, staff, volunteers, and to the organization as a whole. As Staff Coordinator she evaluated the staff's needs and moved efficiently to provide key information, recommendations, or directions. Jennifer also worked closely with staff and volunteers providing touring information, contest specifics and personal travel logistics. 

In many ways Jennifer is known as a Hero at The Cavaliers. In 2008, Jennifer’s quick thinking saved the day. On the way to a contest the Cook Truck got hung up on a railroad crossing. Jennifer noticed on the railroad crossing sign a phone number to call for emergencies. The railroad was able to notify an oncoming train to stop. “Jennifer’s calm demeanor and quick thinking saved the corps from a potential tragedy and kept the driver safe,” said Adolph DeGrawe of her actions.

Outside of The Cavaliers, Jennifer is in secondary education working at a small charter school in northwest Colorado. 

Through the years, Jennifer has remained a constant and consistent force that has made a huge difference to The Cavaliers. She exemplifies the mission of the organization and has positively impacted the student membership, volunteers and staff alike. Her skills, knowledge, and dedication to The Cavaliers and the drum corps activity are why I choose Ms Jennifer Parent as my Honorary Cavalier Award nominee.