Nominated By:
Mark Ackerson

Nomination Letter:
It is with great pleasure that I nominate Ms Diane King for the 2022 Honorary Cavalier Award. In addition to performing her job at an exemplary level, Diane demonstrates an extraordinary commitment to The Cavaliers and to the drum corps activity.

Diane has served as a Tour Manager 1996 - present, taking a brief hiatus 2002-2007. In her role, Diane provided exceptional support to members, staff, volunteers, and to the organization as a whole. For many years, one of Diane’s main responsibilities was to account for all tour funds and work closely with then Treasurer, Don Heitzman.  Diane provided the touring corps with knowledge, direction, and oversight pertaining to the financial requirements of the organization. In conjunction with this role, Diane worked with the student membership in regard to dues collection, occasionally lending an ear to those experiencing financial difficulty. She often suggested or found persons to contact to help raise the funds needed. 

Though her responsibilities were primarily financial, Diane worked closely with staff and volunteers providing touring information, contest specifics and personal travel logistics. Never to be one for the lime-light, you could always find Diane behind the scenes assisting anyone with a problem or working to solve whatever problems arose.  Current corps director, Michael Vaughn, had this to say: "Diane has a wealth of institutional knowledge dating back almost 25 years. As I assumed the role of director in 2019, knowing that Diane would be on the road with us was a source of tremendous comfort. I knew that I could turn to her for expert guidance in any situation. Whatever the problem, whatever the hurdle to be overcome, whatever the scenario -- Diane has dealt with it before, and is always more than willing to tackle it again. Her experience as a tour manager has been an invaluable resource to me and the current management team."  

Outside of The Cavaliers, Diane is a high school Band Director in Michigan. For many years, she was the Director of Northcoast Academy, a WGI Independent World Class indoor drumline. Diane is heavily involved in the Michigan Colorguard and Drumline circuits. She has served on countless circuit boards over the years and spent many on the WGI Percussion Advisory Board. She has assisted numerous students in their dreams of marching drum corps, many of whom went on to become members of The Cavaliers. She provided transportation to camps/rehearsals to countless students, whether they belonged to The Cavaliers or another corps. She is always an advocate for the activity.

Through many changes in leadership, Diane has remained a constant and consistent force that has made a huge difference to The Cavaliers. She exemplifies the mission of the organization and has positively impacted the student membership, volunteers and staff alike. Her skills, knowledge, and dedication to The Cavaliers and the drum corps activity are why I choose Diane as my Honorary Cavalier Award nominee.