Nomination Letter:
Jim Roussell was a marching member of the Cavaliers from 1965 through 1970. He received the prestigious Cavalier of the Year Award upon retiring from the corps at age 19 to enlist in the Marines. He had a distinguished military career, ultimately serving three volunteer tours of Iraq and Afghanistan while in his 50s and 60s as a Marine Reserve officer, culminating almost 40 years of enlistment. His service was noted in several national publications. He was also a 30-year Chicago police officer, retiring as a Commander, one of the department’s highest ranks, and finally as Chief of Staff to the Superintendent of Police. He was equally distinguished in his police career. Jim has a Master’s degree in Criminology and a PhD in Education.

Jim became a snare drummer in the Cavaliers and then drum sergeant in his final two seasons. He was well-respected by all the members, staff, and management for his dedication, loyalty, talent, and most importantly his intelligence. Upon returning from active duty during the Vietnam era, he became the Cavaliers percussion caption head in 1974. His intense motivational skills, recruiting acumen, and instructional talent, led the percussion section to great heights during the next three years and was instrumental in helping the corps in its return to finals in 1974 as well as a top-five overall corps standing at prelims 1976, including second place in percussion.

After briefly moving to Denver to help launch a very successful expansion of an airline company, he returned to Cavaliers in 1979 in a management capacity as corps director, once again becoming the force behind another return to Finals after the corps’ missing of it in 1978. He encouraged a new emphasis on performance excitement and GE which propelled the corps, and the color guard in particular, to become one of the activities’ favorite performing units for the next several years. Jim was highly regarded by the DCI Board of Directors for his integrity and insights. He again retired after the 1981 season to devote more time to his accelerating police career and to his young family, including a son with developmental disabilities.

Jim maintained a strong connection to many alumni during the ensuing decades, helping to stage reunions, donating generously, and supporting, personally and professionally, all who asked.

This nomination is highly endorsed by such notables as Larry McCormick, (Legacy Award recipient), Paul Leo (longest tenured Cavalier drummer at nine years of membership), Roger Roussell (drum major and also a decorated Marine), Denny Doud (longtime Cavalier instructor and Honorary Cavalier), Dave Flynn (drum major and former Vice President of the Board of Directors), and Adolph DeGrauwe, current Chairman of the Board and this award’s namesake.

The Cavaliers actual survival as an organization can rightly be attributed, in no small part, to the contributions of Jim Roussell and this award would be a fitting and long overdue acknowledgment for which the entire organization and alumni body could be proud!