Nomination Letter:
Frank Speciale marched with the Cavaliers in 1955 and 1956, and his impact continues to be evident to this day.

Frank’s biggest contribution to the Cavaliers’ legacy is helping initiate a relationship between The Cavaliers and the Village of Rosemont. Frank would often tell the story about how in June of 1981, he requested Cavalier Show tickets from Don Warren because he wanted to try to bring Donald E. Stephens, the Mayor of Rosemont, to the show. Frank was a Rosemont resident and police officer. He had floated the idea of a Rosemont sponsorship to Don Warren in the past. After the show, Mayor Stephens was impressed with what he saw and asked Frank to have Don Warren give him a call. And so began the 40+ year relationship between the Village of Rosemont and The Cavaliers.

Frank’s relationship with the corps continued grew after that. He served as a Board of Directors member for 20+ years. In the 80s and 90s, he would often drive on tour and was a staple in the souvenir truck. In Frank’s later years, you could find him riding shotgun in the squad car, leading the corps through the streets of the Village of Rosemont for the annual picnic. He was always so proud to show the corps off to the residents of Rosemont. Frank recognized the impact that the Cavaliers and the drum corps activity had on individuals and encouraged his four daughters to all march. They would go on to march with the Guardsmen and the Blue Stars. Frank’s wife, Joy, also became heavily involved in the activity.

Sadly, Frank passed away in December of 2019. The impact and legacy that he left on The Cavaliers will continue for years to come.